Sunday, 19 January 2020

Where is the loo (wharepaku)?

Since Unitec sold the land that the Sanctuary Mahi Whenua is part of, the loos (toilets) or in Maori - Wharepaku, that we used to access are no longer available. The new loos are in building 150, and here's how to find them!

Head out of the Sanctuary, cross the road and head up the hill, diagonally towards your right.

It's a beautiful walk up the slope, under the trees - Jacaranda, Magnolia, etc. Alternatively, follow the road.

This beautiful Building 048, is part of the Unitec School of Architecture. Walk along the front (or around the back of it if you prefer) and keep heading towards your right. You'll come to a line of pre-fab classrooms.

The pre-fab classrooms form a spine that runs down the gentle slope. 
Head uphill - towards the left in this photo.

Where the rows of pre-fabs join together, you'll see the sign for the 'Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre - Building 159.

To your left, there is a covered walkway...

Head down it...

Keep going... 

You'll see the number 150 on the wall.

Just beyond are the loos - both men's and women's.

Now that's a relief.

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