Monday, 11 December 2017

Working Bee - Sunday 10th December 2017

Sunday was another clear and sunny day, making it feel more like the middle of Summer rather than the beginning of Summer. 
It was also another Alberton Market day, held at the historic homestead.

Here is our stall with our beautiful Sanctuary Mahi Whenua banner, staffed by Birthe, Katya and Jen as their contribution to our working bee.

The lettuce and red cabbage were the first to sell out.

Our small but pefectly formed stall with Kale, Mint, Sweetpeas & baby Leeks.

Only a few leeks left.

As always, the Sweetpeas were very popular - "The scent of Summer"

Our colourful Kale and Cavolo Nero.

Big bunches of Mint.

Plus our postcards.

The view from our stall to historic Alberton across the lawn...

and down nto the rest of the market area.

The list of stall holders and events

 Once packed-up and returned to the Sanctuary Mahi Whenua, it was easy to see ALL of the work the rest had achieved!

The weeded Mara Kumara Gardens.

Growing well despite the hot and dry weather.

Including the Maori potatoes next to our new Hügelkultur.

All of the huge piles of green matter have been processed into a new compost pile. And already the next load that is accumulating.

Looking ship shape.

The edges of the lawns have been trimmed. 
It's great to see green grass right to the edges and not the horrible dead orange borders where poisonous sprays are used in most other places outside of the Sanctuary Mahi Whenua.

Our signs, connecting people through the gardens to the Oakley Creek walkway, are doing good business with lots of people enjoying the wayfinding.

Most of the communal garden area has now been cleared and once dug over, it will be ready for our Heroic Garden Festival plantings. All of the seedlings have been grown in the greenhouse and will be ready for planting out soon.

 Thanks to everyone who made it along o the working bee at this busy time of year.

And the early potatoes were harvested!

Straight home and into the pot.

With a few of the delicious baby leeks gently sauteed...

 Green tops and all.

With some shredded fresh mint.


Happy Gardening everyone.

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