Sunday, 9 April 2017

Working Bee - Sunday 9th April 2017

After the rain from tropical cyclone Debbie, we were relieved to have a good day for the working bee. A selection of tasks awaited us.

Our hives, recently harvested, nestled in behind the tunnel house.

Benedicte and Ann weed around the glasshouse.

 Gorgeous girls - Caitlin and Louise.

 Ainsley and Patricia weeding out the front. Preparing the area for eventual planting of Reinga Reinga lilies in Spring.

Our Sanctuary honey - it's delicious (of course!)

The honey in the box, with the feet of the chair in water baths, to prevent any potential invasion by ants.

Allotment produce - beautiful.

And plantain bananas

Jan and Aila weeding the path.


Allison at work with...


Biomass, in the form of used coffee grinds, is added to the compost by Mort.

Benjamin, Bev and Justin work on refreshing Helen our Hugelkultur

Spreading Tapa seedlings
 producing the classic strips of Tapa bark

being cleared from the food forest area by John.

The whole team working on Helen. 
Jenni, Carla, Justin, Bev, Benjamin and Karine

Nigel helps refresh the paths with bark mulch.

Jane standing by to spread the mulch.

Our patchwork mulch pathway.

Corinne with a load - with Floyd helpfully watching the progress.

Benedicte brings in a wheelbarrow.

 Our new allotment holders Peter, Lisa and Max - welcome!

Sarah removes convolvulus from the trees and bags it up.

Louise, Timothe and Caitlin.

Trevor unwraps the box of honey.

With our Sanctuary labels!

All the workers ready for lunch.